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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Yummy Fabric Parcel

Today I received a great parcel from the postie, I just had to take some photos and share them with everyone as I cant wait to make some new clips out of this fabric....

You can find Starlit Nest on Etsy here

Hoping for some sleep tonight, I am not sure when or how but my small child somehow forgot how to sleep :-( these days he is up every 2 hours during the night... bumma
hopefully getting grommets (booked in for surgery next wednesday) might fix this problem.

xx Em


  1. Yum!!! So much gorgeousness :)
    Hope the grommets help with the sleeping thing. I SO know all about sleep deprivation - it really is torture...good luck!!!

  2. mmmm! yummy fabrics!
    Poor little guy - grommets! Hope they make Mummy's sleep better! ;)

  3. I think sleep deprivation is definately worse than Chinese water torture ;-)
    bring on the grommies

  4. Very nice-looking fabric. Fun-looking. Good luck with your surgery.


  5. I'm so glad you're happy with the goods from my shop!


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